Electric Beach Download Electric Beach [3.52 MB](I found this song under a tanning bed in Pelican Rapids, MN)
Well I walked down town just the other day, I was reading all the signs all along the way,
When one caught my eye that I just could not believe;
So I walked on over to that Electric Beach store, smiled at the owner and said tell me more,
‘Cause about Electric Beaches I really am naïve.
Well she said I could lay on her electric beach,
I could tan even places that are hard to reach,
On her electric beach I could lay on all year ‘round.
N I wouldn't have to worry if the ground is frozen,
Or what beach blanket that I left my clothes in,
N what she said to me, well it really sounded profound.
Electric beaches are the place to be,
I shouldah bought stock in the company,
Electric Beaches all over this town,
They'd of made me rich while they turned you brown.
She said I wouldn't have to worry ‘bout the sand ‘tween my toes.
Or if the sun made me smell a little less than a rose,
My time at her beach would never be rained out;
Her electric beach would make my skin turn brown,
So when I strut my stuff all around the town,
All my friends would think that I'd been down south.
She said I could listen to the music that she'd pipe right in
N I wouldn't have to worry ‘bout carcinogens,
‘Cause she'd give me goggles to protect my eyes.
And the wind'll never come up and mess my hair,
I'll come out looking extraordinaire,
N if I'd enter a contest, she said I'd win first prize.
She said I could tan on my back till I look real cute,
Or I could tan on my front, or in my birthday suit.
It won't make any difference what I don't wear.
I'd just go on in and she'd do the rest.
N I could tell her later if she passed the test,
Well she'd even watch out so I don't' end up rare.
Electric....not for me!